20.5 +

US citizen or permanent resident alien who is eligible and has applied for citizenship

Assessment of reading and writing ability
Fingerprints sent to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Evaluations conducted by licensed physicians and/or psychologists employed by IC Human Resources

Thorough background based on applicant’s personal history statement/questionnaire
OBSTACLE COURSE: Run a 99-yard obstacle course consisting of several sharp turns, a number of curb-height obstacles, and a 34-inch high obstacle that must be vaulted.
BODY DRAG LIFT: and drag a 165-pound lifelike dummy 32-feet.
CHAIN LINK FENCE: Run 5 yards to a 6-foot chain link fence, climb over fence, continue running another 25 yards.
SOLID FENCE CLIMB: Run 5 yards to a 6 foot solid fence, climb over fence, continue running another 25 yards.
1.5 MILE RUN: within 14 minutes (pass or fail)
500-YARD RUN: Run 500 yards.
Each of the five events is timed. Candidate’s performance times are converted to points, and summed. A passing score must be obtained as set by IC Human Resources. (Therefore, faster times equal higher scores).
Composition of the Exam
The physical agility exam will test several physical performance skills identified as necessary in the field of corrections.
BODY DRAG: Maximum passing time: 10 seconds. Candidates must drag a 165-pound lifelike dummy 20 feet.
200 YARD RUN: Maximum Passing Time: 1 minute. No stopping or walking.
PUSH-UPS: Minimum of 20 push-ups must be completed within 60 seconds.
1.5 MILE RUN: Complete within 15 minutes. Candidates must run 1.5 miles (Equivalent to 6 laps of a standard running track).
Successful completion of every skill is mandatory.